"I have worked with people whose lives are touched by adoption for many years. During this time I have learned a lot about the nature of relationships and have developed a way of working with individuals and with couples that supports their becoming more related - both to themselves and to the people in their lives."

Short-term therapy

Some people have identified a particular area that they'd like to work on. I work with them to help them move forward and come to a place where they are ready to resume their lives. I try to help them identify what might come up next so that when it happens they are able to understand this movement as a step forward rather than as a setback. 

Sometimes things happen that throw off our equilibrium. During these times it is helpful to work with someone who can provide a structure and a "holding environment" so that you can struggle forward in safety. Once you have re-stabilized, you go back to your life enriched rather than depleted by the experience.

Ongoing sessions

Many people identify areas in their lives that they would like to work on in a more ongoing way. Therapy offers people a chance to learn about themselves and deepen their self- awareness and level of consciousness. I use my training and my intuitive nature to help clients direct attention and energy toward creating lives in which their goals and their priorities are in synch. I am particularly skilled at helping people learn to live in a way that addresses their basic decency and humanity, their purpose in life and the obstacles that they have created that distract them from becoming adults in the true sense of the word.


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