
"I have studied, practiced and taught about adoption for many years. I have degrees both in law and in social work and work primarily with people whose lives have been touched by adoption. Who I am and what my experience has been form the foundation for what I have to offer others."

I work to help people gain an understanding of both their short-term and their long-term needs - empowering them and enabling them to make decisions conscious of the role that adoption will continue to play throughout their lifes.

Because we still do not understand that adoption is an ongoing process, we do not adequately educate the professionals who work with adoption. Adoption professionals have contact with their clients before, during and immediately after the placement process. Their job is to meet their clients' needs - at the time of placement.

Because their working relationships end just as the adoption is beginning, they are not aware of how their clients' needs will change dramatically over the years. They do not take these long-term needs into account as they help their clients proceed in making adoption plans.

I work in a variety of ways to help parents learn about themselves and their children. Some families only need information in order to understand where they are in their family's development. These parents often come in every once in awhile for a consultation. Other parents want more support and come in for some ongoing work. My goal is to empower parents and have them feel good about their family life, it is not to have them become dependent on therapy.

PreAdopt Program

Is adoption right for you?
A curriculum designed to help both pregnant women/couples and prospective adoptive parents understand both the ongoing nature of adoption and how adoption will affect and inform their lives over the long-run. How do people make choices now that include the things that will be important to them in the future. How do people make decisions about which adoption is right for them?


Not everyone wants or needs therapy. Sometimes it helps just to have information about where you are in your development and what is likely to come up next

Term Crises Management

Sometimes things happen that throw
people into disequilibrium. During these times it is helpful to work with someone who can help provide a structure and a “holding environment” so that they can struggle forward in safety. Once they have restabilized, they go back to their life enriched rather than depleted by the experience.


Identifying areas in your life that you would like to examine and work on in an ongoing way

Clinical Mediation

Mediation is becoming a common form of dispute resolution. But does it resolve anything? All too often people are forced to accept a resolution that is unlivable for either party. Clinical mediation offers people an opportunity to get to a beginning place – a place where their intentions are clear and then later offers support, education and guidance as the parties begin to work together to get to a place that is, if you’ll excuse the expression “win-win”.

LGBT Adoptive Parenting

Having lived, worked, written and taught about LGBT parented adoption for many years, I am one of the foremost thinkers in the field. Too often attention is paid to the sexual orientation of the parents and not enough attention is placed upon the need to learn about what it means to a child to be adopted. Too often people focus on parents’ rights rather than on children’s needs. LGBT parents are particularly suited to understand and mentor their adopted children. They have experienced many of the same feelings as their children and when this is understood LGBT parents have the potential to become exceptional adoptive parents.


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